
Complete List of Publications by
Dr. Donald T. Williams

1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | Forthcoming


“Six Sonnets” (poems), Trinity Journal, 3 (1974): 115-17.

“Three Essays in Terza Rima” (poems), Trinity Journal, 4 (1975): 56-57.

“Sonnet XVIII” (poem), Christianity Today, 20 June 1975: 8.

“Two Meetings” (short story), Moody Monthly, 76:3 (Nov., 1975): 140.

“John Calvin: Humanist and Reformer” (article), Trinity Journal, 5 (1976): 67-78.

“John 1:14--” Commentary” (poem), Christianity Today, 10 Feb. 1978:  19.

Mark: Notes from the Greek (Athens, Ga.: Institute for Biblical Renewal, 1978).

“Ars Poeticae” (poem), Stillpoint, 12 (1979): 8-11.

“Sonnet XII” (poem), Christianity Today, 8 June 1979: 27, and 19 Oct. 1979: 21.

“A New Look at the 'Unorthodox' Lewis” (article), Christianity Today, 21 Dec. 1979: 24-27.


1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | Forthcoming

“Lewis the Theologian” (reviews of Leanne Payne, Real Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Works of C. S. Lewis and Michael J. Christensen, C. S. Lewis on Scripture), Christianity Today, 2 May 1980:  38.

“Sonnet XXVIII” (poem), New Oxford Review, Jan.-Feb., 1981:  23.

“Sonnet XXX” (poem), New Oxford Review, Jan.-Feb., 1981:  23.

“To Gerald Manley Hopkins” (poem), New Oxford Review, May, 1981: 16.

“Sonnet XXVII: Inscape” (poem), New Oxford Review, Nov., 1981: 23.

Review of Nelvin Vos, The Great Pendulum of Becoming: Images in Modern Drama  (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980), in The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society [hereafter listed as J.E.T.S.], 24 (1981): 373-74.

Review of Sally Fitzgerald, ed., The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor (N.Y.:  Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1979), in J.E.T.S., 24 (1981): 374-75.

“On the Philosopher after Death” (poem), New Oxford Review, Jan.-Feb., 1982:  31.

“Sonnet XXXII: Bethlehem” (poem), New Oxford Review, Jan.-Feb., 1982:  31.

“For Flannery” (poem), New Oxford Review, March, 1982:  24.

Review of Bernard Ramm, After Fundamentalism: The Future of Evangelical Theology (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), in J.E.T.S., 26 (1983): 201-204.

“A Parable for Demythologizers: To R. Bultmann” (poem), New Oxford Review, March, 1983:  3.

“The Depth of Rightful Doom: The English Reformers' Concept of Justice and Book V of Spenser's Faerie Queene,” Diss. Georgia, 1985.

“Miracula” (poem), The Evangelical Beacon, July, 1985:  17.

“Time at the Seaside” (poem), Eternity, Feb., 1986:  24.

“Dossier: Thomas Cranmer” (article), Eternity, Sept., 1986:  17.

“Luther” (poem), Eternity, Oct., 1986:  32.

“Regeneration and Right Thinking” (article), Eternity, Oct., 1986:  34-36.

Review of Walter Wangerin, Jr., The Orphean Passages (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986), in Eternity, Nov., 1986:  68.

“Lessons from the Georgia Coast” (article), The Evangelical Beacon, Nov., 24, 1986:  11.

“Eschatological Verification and Present Faith” (article), Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, 9 (1986):  31-41.

"To Clyde S. Kilby: In Memoriam" (poem), Mythlore 14:2  (Winter 1987): 46.

Review of Leon Morris, New Testament Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986), in Eternity, March, 1987:  64-65.

Review of Ronald Blythe, Divine Landscapes (N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1986), in Eternity, May, 1987:  41.

Review of Bruce Redford, The Converse of the Pen: Acts of Intimacy in the Eighteenth Century Familiar Letter (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1986), in Eternity, June, 1987:  48-49.

Review of Leland Ryken, Worldly Saints: The Puritans as They Really Were (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986), in Eternity, Sept., 1987:  50.

Review of Wayne A Detzler, New Testament Words in Today's Language (Wheaton: Victor, 1986), in J. E. T. S., 30:3 (Sept. 1987):  369.

"Irony" (poem), The Evangelical Beacon, November 2, 1987:  15.

Review of David Lyle Jeffrey, A Burning and a Shining Light: English Spirituality in the Age of Wesley (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), in Eternity, Jan., 1988:  37.

Review of Malcolm Muggeridge, Winter in Moscow (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), in Eternity, Feb., 1988:  49.

Review of Vern S. Poythress, Symphonic Theology: The Validity of Multiple Perspectives in Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1987), in Eternity, April, 1988:  40.

Review of Avril Henry, ed., “The Mirour of Mans Saluacioune”: A Middle English Translation of “Speculum Humanae Saluationis” (Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1987), and Arthur F. Kinney, John Skelton, Priest as PoetSeasons of Discovery (Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 31:2 (June, 1988): 221-222.

Review of Michael Bauman, Milton's Arianism (N.Y.: Peter Lang, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 31:2 (June, 1988): 235-36.

Review of Richard A. LaFleur, ed., The Teaching of Latin in American Schools: A Profession in Crisis (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 31:2 (June, 1988):  246-47.

Review of Tremper Longman, III, Literary Approaches on Biblical Interpretation (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), in Eternity, July-August, 1988:  34-35.

“Sonnet XXXVII: Commentary, Genesis 2:19" (poem), Mythlore, 15:1 (Autumn, 1988): 61.

Review of G. J. Parry, A Protestant Vision: William Harrison and the Reformation of Elizabethan England (N.Y.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 31:4 (Dec., 1988): 505.

“Sonnet XLVII: The Guard” (poem), Christianity and Literature, 38:2 (Winter, 1989): 73.

“Sonnet XLIX: The Centurion Speaks” (poem), The Evangelical Beacon, 3 April 1989: 29.

Review of Richard C. Trexler, ed., The Christian at Prayer: An Illustrated Prayer Manual Attributed to Peter the Chanter (Binghamton, N.Y.: Medieval and Renaissance Text and Studies, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 32:2 (June, 1989): 280-81.

Review of Donald R. Dickson, The Fountain of Living Waters: The Typology of the Waters of Life in Herbert, Vaughn, and Traherne (Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Press, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 32:3 (Sept., 1989): 407-408.

“Apologia” (poem), Christianity and Literature, 39:1 (Autumn, 1989): 34.


1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | Forthcoming

“'Thou Art Still My God': George Herbert and the Poetics of Edification” (article), Christian Scholar’s Review, 19:3 (March, 1990): 271-85.

Review of Paul R. Sellin, So Doth, So is Religion: John Donne and Diplomatic Contexts in the Reformed Netherlands (Columbia: University of Missouri Pr., 1988), in J.E.T.S., 33:2 (June, 1990): 258-60.

Review of Sean Kane, Spenser's Moral Allegory (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1989), in J.E.T.S., 33:3 (Sept., 1990): 420-21.

Review of Donald Weber, Rhetoric and History in Revolutionary New England (New York: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1988) and Kathleen C. Boone, The Bible Tells Them So: The Discourse of Protestant Fundamentalism (Albany: State Univ. of New York, 1989), in J.E.T.S., 33:3 (Sept., 1990): 421-22.

Review of Frederick Dale Bruner, The Christbook: A Historical/Theological Commentary on Matthew 1-12 (Waco: Word, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 34:1 (March, 1991): 125-126.

Review of D. A. Carson, ed., The Church in the Bible and the World: an International Study (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1987), in J.E.T.S., 34:2 (June, 1991): 263-64.

Review of Michael Bauman, A Scripture Index to John Milton's De Doctrina Christiana (Binghamton, N.Y.: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1989), in J.E.T.S., 34:2 (June, 1991): 283-84.

“Firstfruits, 2" Villanelle no. 7" (poem), Christianity and Literature, 40:3 (Spring, 1991): 334.

“Some Propositions for a Theistic Argument” (article), Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, 14:1 (1991): 70-81.

Review of Alzina Stone Dale, T. S. Elliot: The Philosopher Poet (Wheaton: Harold Shaw, 1988), in J.E.T.S., 34:3 (Sept., 1991): 404-405.

“Proposed: That the Modern, Scientific Worldview, in its Euphoria Over Learning how to do Neat Things with Matter, Has Left Something out of the Equation” (poem), Christianity and Literature, 40:4 (Summer, 1991): 365.

Review of Susan V. Gallagher and Roger Lundin, Literature Through the Eyes of Faith (San Francisco: Harper, 1989), in J.E.T.S., 34:4 (Dec., 1991): 550-552.

“Tribute to J. R. R. Tolkien” (essay), Mythlore, 18:3 (Summer, 1992): 38-39.

“Vision” (poem), Christianity and Literature, 41:3 (Spring, 1992): 379.

“Sonnet L: The Body Human” (poem), The Rolling Coulter, 4:2 (Fall, 1992): 41.

“The Great Conversation” (article), Alliance Life, 128:6 (March 17, 1993): 6-7.

Review of Alan D. Hodder, Emerson's Rhetoric of Revelation: Nature, the Reader, and the Apocalypse Within (University Park: Penn. State Univ. Pr., 1989), and Wesley T. Mott, “The Strains of Eloquence”: Emerson and His Sermons (University Park: Penn. State Univ. Pr., 1989), in J.E.T.S., 36:1 (March, 1993):  90.

Review of Michael Coren, Gilbert: The Man who was G. K. Chesterton (N.Y.: Paragon, 1990), in J.E.T.S., 36:1 (march, 1993):  94-95.

“The Objectivity of Value: Properties, Values, and Moral Reasoning” (article), The Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, 16 (1993): 49-58.

Review of Rosalie Osmond, Mutual Accusation: Seventeenth Century Body and Soul Dialogues in their Literary and Theological Contexts (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1990), in J.E.T.S., 36:4 (Dec., 1993): 533-34.

Review of Terry G. Sherwood, Herbert's Prayerful Art (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1989), in J.E.T.S., 36:4 (Dec., 1993): 534-35.

Review of Gene Edward Veith, Reading Between the Lines: A Christian Guide to Literature (Wheaton: Crossway, 1990), in J.E.T.S., 36:4 (Dec., 1993): 556-57.

Review of Douglas Wilson, Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education (Wheaton: Crossway, 1991), in J.E.T.S., 36:4 (Dec., 1993): 557-58.

Review of The Revised English Bible (Oxford/Cambridge: Oxford/Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1989), in J.E.T.S., 36:4 (Dec., 1993): 560-62.

“Black Mountain Road & Highway 17 N.” (poem), The Rolling Coulter, Winter, 1994: 6.

The Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2002)
Originally published (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1994).

“The Candle Rekindled: Hugh Latimer on the Temporal Order,” (chapter) in Michael Bauman, ed., Evangelical Renderings: To God and Caesar (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1994), pp. 61-77.

“Origins” (poem), Theology Today, 51:4 (Jan., 1995), 607.

Review of Leland Ryken, Realms of Gold: The Classics in Christian Perspective (Wheaton: Harold Shaw, 1991), in J. E. T. S., 38:1 (March, 1995): 114-15.

“Christian Poetics, Past and Present” (chapter), in The Discerning Reader: Christian Perspectives on Literature and Theory, ed.  David Barratt, Roger Pooley, & Leland Ryken (Leicester, England: British Intervarsity Press, and Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995), pp. 53-68.

“John Foxe” (chapter), in Historians of the Christian Tradition: Their Methodology and Influence on Western Thought, ed. Michael Bauman & Marty I. Klauber (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1995), pp. 117-38.

“The Conversion of Augustine: Villanelle no. 13" (poem), in Christianity and Literature, 44:2 (1995): 168.

“The Grave of C. S. Lewis, Headington Parish Church, Oxfordshire: Villanelle no. 15" (poem), in Christianity and Literature, 44:2 (1995): 180.

“The Founding of Trinity Fellowship” (poem), in Ministry Memo (July/Aug., 1995): 7.

“The Seriousness of Sin” (article), in Alliance Life, 131:9 (April 24, 1996): 6-7, 10.

Inklings of Reality: Essays toward a Christian Philosophy of Letters (Toccoa, GA: Toccoa Falls Press, 1996).

“Apologetic Responses to Post-Modernism: Panel Discussion” (article), in  Philosophia Christi, 19:1  (Spring, 1996):  1-20.

“Apologetic Responses to Post-Modernism: A Symposium” (chapter), in Michael Bauman, David Hall, and Robert Newman, eds., Evangelical Apolgetics: Selected Essays from the 1995 Evangelical Theological Society Convention (Camp Hill, Pa.: Christian Publications, 1996), pp. 319-41.

“Oxford Journal” (article), in Toccoa Falls College Magazine (Winter 1997): 14.

“What about Speaking in Tongues?” (Article), in Life and Work Pursuits, Teacher Edition, Spring 1997:  76-77.

Review of Daniel E. Ritchie, Reconstructing Literature in an Ideological Age, in Christian Scholar’s Review 26:3 (Spring 1997): 361-362.

“The Bible in the Church, sonnet LXXVII” (poem), in Christianity and Literature, 46:2 (Winter, 1997): 226.

“Reflections from Plato’s Cave: Musings on the History of Philosophy” (article--Evangelical Philosophical Society Presidential Address, 1996), in Philosophia Christi 20:1 (Spring, 1997): 71-82.

Review of Nicholas Wolterstorff, Divine Discourse: Reflections on the Claim that God Speaks (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1995), in J.E.T.S. 41:4 (Dec., 1998): 681-2.

“To the Door Which Once Shut the Oxford Martyrs in their Cell, Since Demolished: Preserved in the Tower of St. Michael's at the Northgate, Oxford, England, Sonnet 83" (poem), in Christianity and Literature 48:1 (Autumn, 1998): 129.

“Codex Sinaiticus, The British Museum, London, Sonnet 84" (poem), in Christianity and Literature 48:1 (Autumn, 1998): 130.

“The Shrine of St. Thomas A’ Becket, Canterbury Cathedral, Sonnet 85" (poem), in Christianity and Literature 48:1 (Autumn, 1998): 131.

“The Lindisfarne Gospels, The British Museum, London, Villanelle 22" (poem), in Christianity and Literature 48:1 (Autumn, 1998): 132.

The Disciple’s Prayer (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2005)
Originally published: (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1999).

Review of Jon Tal Murphree, Divine Paradoxes: A Finite View of an Infinite God (Camp   Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1998), in Philosophia Christi  (2nd Series) 1:2 (1999): 152-3.

Review of David Mills, ed. The Pilgrims's Guide: C. S. Lewis and the Art of Witness (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998) in The LampPost 23:2 (Summer 1999): 36-37.


1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | Forthcoming

"'Is Man a Myth?':  Mere Christian Perspectives on the Human" (article), Mythlore 23:1 (Summer/fall 2000): 4-19.

"Thought" (poem), Christianity and Literature 50:1 (Autumn 2000): 30.

"Apologia" (poem, rpt.), Christianity and Literature 50:3 (Spring 2001):585.

"Proposed: That the Modern, Scientific World View, in its Euphoria over Learning how to do Neat Things with Matter, has Left Something out of the Equation (Sonnets LVII-LVIII)" (poem, rpt.), Christianity and Literature 50:3 (Spring 2001):586.

"Firstfruits: Villanelle no. 7)" (poem, rpt.), Christianity and Literature 50:3 (Spring 2001):587.

"The Grave of C. S. Lewis, Headington Parish Church, Oxfordshire: Villanelle no. 15)" (poem, rpt.), Christianity and Literature 50:3 (Spring 2001):588.

"The Guard" (poem, rpt.), Christianity and Literature 50:3 (Spring 2001):589.

"The Messiah, Premiered Dublin, 1742: Sonnet XCV" (poem), Christianity and Literature 50:4 (Summer 2001):  769.

"Christian Poetics, Past and Present" (chapter, rpt.) in The Christian Imagination: The Practice of Faith in Literature and Writing, ed. Leland Ryken (Colorado Springs: Shaw, 2002):  3-21.

"Repairing the Ruins: Thoughts on Christian Higher Education" (article), Christian Educators Journal 41:4 (April 2002): 19-21.

"The Roots of Anti-Intellectualism: Commentary, 1 Cor. 1:26, Sonnets LXXVIII-LXXIX" (poem), Christian Educators Journal 41:4 (April 2002): 21

"Speaking the Truth in Love" (article).  Tedsbridge: For the Alumni and Friends of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.  Fall, 2002: 22-23. 

"Questions in Evidence: Effective Evangelism Means Asking the Right Questions" (article).  Alliance Life, Nov. 2002: 30.

"The Stakes, A Small and Often neglected Part, Sonnet XCVII" (poem), Christianity and Literature 52:1 (Autumn, 2002): 46; 

"Elementary" (poem), Christianity and Literature 52:1 (Autumn, 2002): 123.

Review of Kathryn Lindskoog, Surprised by C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald, and Dante: An Array of Original Discoveries (Macon, Ga.: Mercer Univ. Pr., 2001), in SEVEN: An Anglo-American Review 19 (2002): 114-16.

“A Prisoner of Jesus Christ:  Ephesians 3:1” (sermon), Preaching 19:1 (July-Aug. 2003): 42-3.

"The Great Divide: The Church and the Post-Modernist Challenge," Christian Research Journal. 26:2 (Nov. 2003): 32-41.

"For Kathryn" (poem--eulogy for Lewis scholar Kathryn Lindskoog, d. 2003), Mythprint: The Monthly Bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society. 40:12 (Dec. 2003): 9.

Review of Peter Jackson's "Return of the King, " Mythprint: the Monthly Bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society 41:1 (Jan. 2004): 12-13.

“How Little We Understand of Truth and Love,” Christian Educator’s Journal. 43:4 (April 2004): 26-27.

“Poetry” (article), The Lamp-Post 27:1 (Spring 2003): 24-32.

“For Kathryn” (poem, rpt.), The Lamp-Post 27:1 (Spring 2003): 35.

“How Little We Understand of Truth and Love,” Christian Educator’s Journal 43:4 (April 2004): 26-27.

“A Larger World: C. S. Lewis on Christianity and Literature” (article), Mythlore 24:2 (Spring 2004): 45-37.

“Suffering for the Gospel” (sermon), Preaching Magazine 19:6 (May-June 2004): 43-44.

"Oxford Journal" (article), in The Lamp Post 27:2 (May 2004): 24-26.

"Interview with Don Williams" (interview), The Lamp-Post 27:2 (May 2004): 29-31.

"Thoughts on Church Architecture: The Chapel, Northwestern College, St. Paul, MN." Faith and Form: The Journal of the Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art, and Architecture. , XXXV:2 (2002): 22.

Review of Colin Duriez, A Field Guide to Narnia (Downers Grove, Il.: InterVarsity Press, 2004, 240 pp., pbk., $13.00), in Mythprint 42:2 (Feb.,2005): 11.

"Eucharist" (poem), Alliance Life 140:3 (March, 2005): 11.

“The Widow’s Son of Nain” (sermon), Preaching Online, March 2005.

“War on Terrorism: Imprisoned by Scandal?” ChronWatch, March 10, 2005. The URL is

Review of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ (recently released on DVD), ChronWatch, March 26, 2005. URL is; rpt. in Free Republic, March 27, 2005,

"Lions of Succession: On Being a Free Narnian" (article), Touchstone 18:3 (April 2005): 15-17.

Review of “The Passion of the Christ,” directed by Mel Gibson, in The Hillsdale Conservative, 2004;

Review of Victor Reppert, C. S. Lewis’s Dangerous Idea (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2003) in Philosophia Christi, 2004;

“The King’s Mariners” (poem), in Mythic Circle, 2005.

Mere Humanity: G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien on the Human Condition. Nashville: Broadman, 2006;

Review of Mark Eddy Smith, Tolkien’s Ordinary Virtues: Exploring the Spiritual Themes of The Lord of the Rings (Intervarsity, 2002) and Matthew Dickerson, Following Gandalf: Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings (Brazos, 2003), in Trinity Journal NS 26:2 (Fall 2005): 352-3.

“Wardrobe Accessories”: Review of Bruce Edwards, Further up and Further In: Understanding C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005), Devin Brown, Inside Narnia: A Guide to Exploring The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005), and Leland Riken and Marjorie Lamp Meade, A Reader’s Guide through the Wardrobe: Exploring C. S. Lewis’s Classic Story (Downers Grove, Il.: InterVarsity Pr., 2005), in Touchstone 19:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2006): 45-6.

Review of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” Directed by Andrew Adamson, Mythprint 43:1-2 (Jan.-Feb., 2006): 4-5.

Mere Humanity: G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien on the Human Condition (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2006).

Notice of Lewis Agonistes: How C. S. Lewis Can Train us to Wrestle with the Modern and Postmodern World, by Louis Markos (Nashville: Broadman, 2003), Touchstone, June 2006: 42.

“Designer Hurricanes,” Touchstone, June 2006: 5.

Review of Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C. S. Lewis by David C. Downing (Downers Grove, Il.: IVP, 2005), in Trinity Journal 27:1 (Spring 2006): 179-80.

“Doubt as a Christian Virtue,” Modern Reformation 15:4 (July-August 2006): 19-21.

Review of Lewis Agonistes: How C. S. Lewis Can Train us to Wrestle with the Modern and Postmodern World by Louis Markos (Nashville: Broadman, 2003), Mythprint 43:9 (September 2006): 11-12.

“Revenge of the DWEMS: A Socratic Tetralog,” Global Journal of Classical Theology 5:3 (October, 2006).

“An Unexpected Meeting” (short story), The Lamp-Post 29:1 (Spring 2005, published Spring 2007), 3-7;

“The Challenge of The Republic: Sonnet CIV” (poem), The Lamp-Post 29:1 (Spring 2005, published Spring 2007): 31;

“A Glimmer of Hope: Curtal Sonnet # 16” (poem), The Lamp-Post 29:1 (Spring 2005, published Spring 2007): 31;

Credo: An Exposition of the Nicene Creed (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2007).

“English Literature in the Sixteenth Century” and “An Apologist's Evening Prayer: A Preface to the Psalms,” articles in Lion and Logos: The Life and Work of C. S. Lewis, ed. Bruce Edwards (4 vols., Praeger, 2007), a major encyclopedic reference work on Lewis.

“Terabithia” (poem), MythPrint, 2007

“Light on ‘Shadowlands’” (review), The Lamp-Post 29:2 (Summer 2005, published June, 2007): 18-20

“From Antioch with Love” (poem), The Lamp-Post 29:2 (Summer 2005, published June, 2007): 34

“The Abolition of Talking Beasts: Christian Perspectives on the Human in The Chronicles of Narnia,” Proceedings of the 2005 “Past Watchful Dragons” Conference (Mythopoeic Press, 2007);

"Forgiven Much, Loved Much," "The Gerasene Demoniac," "On To Jerusalem," “Mary and Martha,” “The Good Samaritan,” “The Prophecy of Zachariah,” “Where Your Treasure Is,” “Not Peace but Strife,” and ”Parables of the Kingdom” (sermons),;

“Harry Potter and the Meaning of it All” (review), the online version of Modern Reformation Magazine

“Writers Cramped: On Three Things Evangelical Authors Can Learn from Flannery O’Connor” (article), Touchstone 20:7 (September 2007): 15-18.

“Mythcon 2007” (article), The Lamp-Post 29:4 (Winter 2006, published Fall 2007): 38-39.

“Movie Review: Beowulf, Dir. by Peter Zemeckis,” Modern Reformation (online version):

“That We May Believe: John 20:19-31” (sermon),

“Movie Review: I am Legend, Dir. Francis Lawrence,” Modern Reformation (online version):

“’The Mind is its Own Place’: Satan’s Philosophy and the Modern Dilemma,” Proceedings of the Georgia Philological Association 2 (December 2007): 20-34

“Sensucht II: Villanelle # 28 (poem), CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society, Summer 2007;

“Scene” (Sonnet LXXXVII), Mythic Circle, 30 (2008): 39.

“Some Real Magic” (Sonnet XCIII), Mythic Circle, 30 (2008): 40.

“Taliessin Remembereth the Past” (Sonnet CVI), Mythic Circle, 30 (2008): 41.

"Manna, Bread From Heaven," "The Waters Of Meribah," "Thou Shalt Not Covet," and "Fear Not!" (sermons),;

“Movie Review of Prince Caspian,” online version of Modern Reformation,, May-June 2008.

“The Everlasting Hobbit: Perspectives on the Human in Tolkien’s Mythos,” Global Journal of Classical Theology, 2008;

“Optimism, Pessimism, and Hope,” Modern Reformation 17:5 (September/October, 2008): 40-41.

“Devil Talk: Milton’s Post-Modern Satan and his Disciples,” Touchstone 21:7 (September, 2008): 24-27.

The Devil’s Dictionary of the Christian Faith. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2009.


1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | Forthcoming

A Portuguese translation of “A Larger World” (q.v.) in the Brazilian theological journal Fides Reformata, n.d;

“Something Old and Something New: The Worship Wars Revisited,” Reformation and Revival Journal, Feb., 2008;

"Luke 7:11-17, The Widow's Son of Nain," (preached on 2/23/03 at the University Church in Athens, Ga.),