Trinity Fellowship Annual Congregational Meeting
January 21, 2001


Don Williams, Ken & Cindy Morefield, Todd & Sherry Truffin, Jim & Lois Lass, Dann Moreau

Todd opened the meeting with prayer.

Secretary’s Report

Cindy read the minutes from the October 22 Quarterly Meeting, and Ken presented his financial report for the year.  A motion was made to accept the reports as read; 2nd; motion carried.

Election of Steering Committee and Officers

Ken Morefield nominated as treasurer, no other nominations; motion made, seconded, carried.

Todd Truffin nominated as chairman of the Steering Committee and Cindy Morefield as a member of the Steering Committee; motion made, seconded, carried.

Other Reports

Pastor’s State of the Church

Don reported that we have the same problems, but we are planning to continue by asking God to use our body as it is, to make us the kind of people that He can use.

Financial Report

Ken reported that our financial situation is much better than this time last year, but there was a decline in December that needs to be addressed if it continues.  Todd added that our affiliate program with Amazon earned us $2.59 (everyone remember to go to Trinity’s web page first if you’re going to order from Amazon!), and we have small but steady traffic on website.

Old Business


Advent over; incorporation of new liturgical elements seems to have been well received and we will continue with it.

Service Opportunities

service opportunities haven't been listed

Sunday Night

Lass's will host Sunday nights in February

New Business

What to do with ourselves?

Todd introduces Spiritual Formation Group idea.  Cindy described in more detail: addressing ways that we can help each other to become better disciples; we have a great amount of information about what Jesus taught; how can we practice it?


  1. to become enthralled with God - to learn, we must have contact with the teacher, must believe that the teacher knows whereof he speaks, that he wants to teach, that he will not despise us for not knowing.
  2. to develop habits of goodness - to break sinful habits, replace them with ones that incline us toward God and enable us to respond to life as Jesus did. Spiritual formation groups are designed to address these goals.

  3. to work toward balance: to develop a deeper, fuller sense of devotion to God (and what that has meant historically) by practicing the various things that Jesus did and keeping them in balance

Todd explained how we will introduce this material by going through the8-week introduction to the spiritual traditions on Sunday nights – a trial run.

The building

Is it prudent, feasible to keep the building?

We will pray about the building and seek God's direction

Jim moved that we pray about the matter of the building and whether or not we should let it go, that we meet on the 25th of February to discuss, decide the matter; Cindy 2nd; motion carried.

Worship Team

Bass guitar belongs to Dan: he is leaving soon. We need to start thinking about whether or not we wish to purchase one.  This decision has been tabled until building decision is made.

Missions Budget

Clarification of missions budget allocation: 2/3 of mission fund to the Lasses; 1/3 to Phil Brande ONLY when the tithe of the general fund is less than $150.00 for the month.  Any additional funds carry over.  Fund designated by individuals count toward our commitment if necessary to meet the minimum allocation.

TFC Piano

Don asked if we could contribute toward the purchase of the grand piano budget for the new chapel at TFC.  Don will find out if the fund drive has an immediate deadline; if not, the decision will be tabled until our next meeting, as available fund will be affected by the disposition of the building.

Next Meeting

Sunday, February 25, 2001, time TBA.

Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia L. Morefield, Secretary